Mindset & Life Coach

Despite all the work I’ve done, I still on the daily do things that don’t serve me AND do things that DO! You aren’t perfect, you will have breakdowns, but you’re also so capable and will have wins both big and small . When you set yourself up with the necessary tools and support system, you essentially are building a runway thats solid enough for a plane to successfully take off and land on.

This is the exact reason why I love this space of coaching and mentorship so much. We get to learn from people who have walked paths and come out on the other end of it. Whether it be financially, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. There is knowledge we can learn from others who have excelled at these things or has ways of seeing things to help you shift in areas of your life..

If coaching feels intimidating give yourself grace, that’s just highlighting this is something new to you. Most of us don’t like to do new things for a variety of reasons. If I boil it down to one word it would be ‘vulnerable’. Vulnerability opens us up to feeling a whole variety of feelings, such as possible rejection, embarrassment, etc. However, it’s also important to remember the same experience opens you up to feelings of possible love, connection, acceptance, etc.

Growth comes with discomfort. So, if you’re ready to grow and progress in your relationships then get coaching. I can help show you a better and healthier way!

Just a reminder most coaches get coaching, therapy, and /or have mentors regularly. Myself included.


Working with me, What you can Expect.

Coaching Options​

Become The Best version of you

“This work you’re doing is hard. There is no way to sugar coat it. It just is. And every second you spend working your healing journey IS going to pay off! There is so much beauty inside you’re space, because YOU’RE there.

Protect that space, honor that space, the individual who is in there, you, is worth it!”

– Laura fisher

Building Blocks Necessary to
Creating Healthy Relationships

This course lays down a clear foundation of how to show up emotionally healthy in any relationship. From understanding yourself to learning ways to tackle feedback, I equip you with all the building blocks necessary to create healthy relationships. Often overlooked elements in a relationship like self-care & communication are discussed at length to ensure that even the seemingly small parts of our daily lives are not taken for granted.

Understanding your personality type
with Enneagram

In this course, I dig deeper into The Enneagrams’ 9 personality types and help you understand the psychology behind their actions & emotions. Our expert, April Stevenson, wonderfully explains the ins and outs of each type and makes this entire journey more informative! With my keen insights, I bring a breath of fresh air and an element of fun to this course to keep learning enjoyable. We explore the basic desires, fears, strengths & weaknesses for each type. We strongly encourage you to take the Enneagram Test before starting this course and make notes of the key insights shared by every personality throughout.

Work With Me Privately​

For those who are already in group coaching and would like some additional time to focusing on making headway on areas they are remaining stuck or needing extra support to get to the next level.

" This work begins with you! Nothing in your life will truly improve until you do. "​

- Jessa Packard

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